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Syndesmotic Injury

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A syndesmotic injury is a type of ankle injury that affects the ligaments connecting the tibia and fibula bones in the lower leg. This type of injury is often referred to as a high ankle sprain and can occur from sudden twisting or turning of the foot, such as during sports or physical activity. Symptoms of a syndesmotic injury include pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty walking or bearing weight on the affected foot. Treatment for a syndesmotic injury typically involves immobilization with a brace or cast, rest, and physical therapy to help restore strength and flexibility to the affected joint. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair the damaged ligaments and promote healing. Recovery from a syndesmotic injury can take several weeks or months and may require a period of rest and limited physical activity to allow for proper healing. If you suspect you have a syndesmotic injury, it's important to seek medical attention from an experienced orthopedic specialist who can provide an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan to help you recover and prevent future injuries.


Syndesmotic Injury
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